Thursday, September 10, 2009

Colten update!

I am just amazed at how fast Colten is learning everything! We started sign language about a month or so ago and he has picked it up so quickly. He now signs hot, more, eat, milk, water, cookie, please, and help as well as a couple of others. It has really cut down on temper tantrums since he has been able to communicate with us. He also loves to help me empty the dishwasher, do laundry, and mop up spills. The great thing about the dishwasher is that he actually puts things in the correct spots! He is also learning more and more words every day as well as most of his body parts and animals and what they say. My favorite that he does is an elephant. He'll even lift his arm like the trunk!

As for Hunter and I... we are doing great. Waiting for Hunter to have a closing and for someone to put an offer on the house, but other than that we are great. I am so ready to be back up in Seattle, it's not even funny. Both Hunter and I are just anxious to get up there. I have been baking and cooking a lot. It's relaxing for me and I am really trying to make food healthy by sneaking in fruits and veggies in desserts and everyday foods. Well off to clean the house... pictures to come soon.

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